
Christian Life Concerns

Christian Life Concerns Committee


Bring awareness and education to your church about all

things pro-life. From conception to natural death, Baptists

honor the Sanctity of human life.


We participate in “40 Days for Life” and Missouri Right to Life.

Educational materials available from local Pregnancy Centers

“Thrive” and “Birthright” including post-abortive healing Bible

study “Forgiven and Set Free”. Educational materials on end

of life issues, physician-assisted- suicide/euthanasia.


Volunteer to bring a thriving pro-life ministry to your church.

We can help!


 Local Pro-Life Resources and Organizations


1.     Thrive St. Louis:    FREE

pregnancy testing, FREE ultrasound, FREE STD testing,

adoption referral, infant supplies, parenting classes,

emergency shelter referral, post-abortion Bible

study…”Forgiven and Set Free”. Pregnancy and healthy

reproductive education. Some paid staff but most are

Christian volunteers.


St. Charles Co. (St. Peters) 636-278-1212


24 hour helpline 877-773-4626, 314-773-4626


2.     Birthright:     FREE pregnancy

testing, medical referral, adoption referral, financial

assistance, free infant supplies, pregnancy support.


Wentzville: 636-327-8170


St. Charles: 636-724-1200


3.     Sparrow’s Nest (Teen Maternity Home)                                          


Admin. Office: 3955 Highway K, O’Fallon, MO 63368,


636-336-2634    Provides shelter, food, and clothing for

teenagers for the duration of their pregnancy and up to a year

after baby is born, case management for educational and

emotional and physical needs, counseling, After Care

Program, Resources online at



4.     Coalition For Life: 314-

827-4039 This grassroots community outreach coordinates

and organizes the “40 Days for Life” peaceful prayer and

fasting vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood STL in the

spring and fall. They also employ “interns” to stand on the

sidewalk outside the gates of PP to hand out information and

to encourage clients to get a free pregnancy test at the Thrive

mobile unit parked across the street instead of paying $135 to

get a preg. Test and ultrasound at PP.



5.     Missouri Right to Life: mission: “To uphold and promote

the sanctity of all innocent human life at every stage through

natural death by providing education and by supporting

legislation and programs that endorse that ideal; and by

organizing citizens for effective results”


Core Issues: Abortion, Human cloning and human embryonic

stem cell research, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted



Legislation: MRL has drafted and helped to pass legislation

that bans partial-birth and webcam abortions, prevents public

funding of abortion services, human cloning and embryonic

stem cell research; ensures that women are provided

information about their baby’s development, the opportunity

to view an ultrasound, and a minimum 72-hour reflection

period after receiving such information; also: provides tax

credits for donations to charities serving pregnant women in

crisis and funding for alternatives to abortion services;

ensures that every person is given life-preserving healthcare

and has the right to the highest attainable standard of

healthcare without discrimination.


Political Action: Known for two of the state’s most active and

successful political action committees, the MRL PAC informs

Missourians about their legislators’ voting records and

candidates’ positions on pro-life issues.


Education: MRL offers life-affirming videos, books, speakers,

and resources to Missourians. Exhibits at County Fairs in the



Grassroots Success: Through local MRL chapters, members

increase community awareness, support the work of

Pregnancy care centers and take part in attending Pro-Life

Lobby Days at Jefferson City to encourage our governmental

representatives to vote for life.


Membership: $25.00/year 621 E.

McCarty, Suite D, P.O. Box 651, Jefferson City, MO 65102   

Phone: 1-573-635-5110.  Free MRL newsletter subscription and

pro-life voter guide.  


Warren Co. Chapter meets: the first Sat. of the month, 9:30

AM, Warren Co. Scenic Library on south Hwy.47. You are

invited and encouraged to attend and be part of something

very worthwhile, your life!